- [pdf] 2015 silicon valley index
- Flipboard desktop sürümünü devreye aldı. https://flipboard.com/
- Boston Dynamics yeni robotunu tanıttı.
- Watching people code could be the next big thing in live streaming video
- Microsoft çalışanlarının yeni CEO’ları hakkındaki düşünceleri (Business Insider)
- They’re delighted about the end of Windows-first
- It’s exciting to work at Microsoft again
- A third employee told us that people walk around more freely with iPhones and Android phones now.
- Apple şirket değeri 710 milyar dolar oldu.
- Apple’da Tesla’dan gelen 50 kişi çalışıyor. Business Insider’a göre şirket self-driving car ya da cep telefonu araba etkileşimi artıracak çözümler geliştiriyor olabilir
- Google Maps 10. yaşını kutladı.
- Six Things Technology Has Made Insanely Cheap (bloomberg)
- Personal Computers
- Software
- Televisions
- Securities Commissions
- Cameras
- Cell Phone Service
- Singapur’da drone garsonlar
WeChat jumps to 468M MAU from 438 a couple months back. pic.twitter.com/RSQSp4s5rK
— @somospostpc (@somospostpc) February 11, 2015
If you double the number of experiments you do per year you’re going to double your inventiveness. —Jeff Bezos pic.twitter.com/DGyeDXJEj7 — Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) February 11, 2015
Almost every major patent concept from the 1930s was in chemistry. Today, all software. http://t.co/I5TamvQHdQ pic.twitter.com/QHNDFAyNRl
— Derek Thompson (@DKThomp) February 9, 2015
“Spain has the fourth highest level of mobile banking use in Europe, after Turkey, Poland, and Norway.” http://t.co/4VnFUR9vQf — Gerd Leonhard (@gleonhard) February 11, 2015
Türkiye’de evlerin yaklaşık yarısında 25’ten az kitap var. 500’den fazla kitabı olanların orani ise %3. pic.twitter.com/tjW8GD8L5q
— Hasan Basusta (@hasanbasusta) February 10, 2015