- Google, Alphabet adlı yeni bir şirket altında yeniden organize oldu. Google Alphabet’in parçası olarak Arama, Reklam, Youtube, Android, Chrome ve Bulut konuları üzerinde çalışmaya devam edecek. Google CEO’su Sundar Pichai oldu. Alphabet’in CEO’su ise Larry Page. Google X( otonom arabalar, teslimat drone’ları ve internet sağlayacı balonlar, Nest, Google Fiber, Google Yatırım ve diğer konular Alphabet bünyesinde devam edecek.
- Adobe ve PageFair’in hazırladığı rapora göre reklam engelleme hizmetlerinin, reklamlara 2015 yılında22 milyar dolar etkisi olması bekleniyor. Şuan 198 milyon kişi reklam engelleme araçlarını kullanıyor. Rapora burdan erişebilirsiniz.
- “The Apple Watch is going to gain a significant amount of penetration,” he said Thursday in a phone interview. “The first couple of years will be difficult for watches in fashion categories.”
The market for watches that cost less than $1,000 is most at risk, as consumers in that price range have indicated they’re the most likely to buy an Apple Watch, Levin said. Sales of watches costing between $50 and $999 registered drops in June, the biggest being a 24 percent decline in timepieces from $100 to $149.99, according to NPD’s data. (Bloomberg) - Astronotlar uzayda 15 ayda kendi yetiştirdikleri sebzelerin tadına baktı.
- Yıldız Savaşları Yeni Fragman
- Plastic balls help Los Angeles fight drought
Alibaba versus Wal-Mart pic.twitter.com/vcuNeY8SxM
— Benedict Evans (@BenedictEvans) August 12, 2015
What researchers mean when they say a new technology will be available in x years: http://t.co/vhlMbJWEGL pic.twitter.com/StMBr7SnlE
— Max Roser (@MaxCRoser) August 12, 2015
Why 'app-only' banks are on the rise. Transaction cost is ~43x in a physical branch vs mobile.
http://t.co/7WYhQ4nXCY pic.twitter.com/CUo5cE59vu
— Subrahmanyam KVJ (@SuB8u) August 12, 2015
In the 18th century a city grew faster if a lot of residents were interested in technology https://t.co/SWLS8WSioD pic.twitter.com/1DiyrhShi7
— Ahsan Rizvi (@ahsanhilal) August 13, 2015
Weaker yuan is mixed blessing for China’s smartphone makers http://t.co/IqsoEZz18n pic.twitter.com/vTZiAGqWua
— Yun-Hee Kim (@yunheekim22) August 13, 2015
/@techstars @DisneyAccel @codysimms @bfeld pic.twitter.com/q38uciGcFZ
— Jeremy Shure (@JeremyShure) August 13, 2015
Android app stores in China alone will generate 12% of the global mobile games market in 2015. http://t.co/IS1kxjgrJS pic.twitter.com/f18oOM6LNz
— Newzoo (@NewzooHQ) August 5, 2015
~ 50% of smartphones sold in India last qtr cost less than $100 http://t.co/rzt1kSNEOw pic.twitter.com/x1IJYSBMz5
— Craig Bujnowski (@craigbuj) August 13, 2015